May 15th 2024 Wednesday - PPGF Presents: AI in Photography

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Overview: In this dynamic course, delve into the revolutionary intersection of artificial intelligence and photography with renowned photographer and digital artist, Vasi Siedman. From understanding the fundamentals of AI to exploring its practical applications in modern photography, this class is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to harness AI technology effectively in your creative pursuits.

Topics Covered:

  1. What is AI: Gain insight into the core concepts and principles of artificial intelligence, and its transformative impact on the field of photography.

  2. Usage of AI in Modern Photography: Explore the diverse ways AI is integrated into photography, from enhancing editing workflows to pushing the boundaries of artistic expression.

  3. Comparison of Editing Software: Analyze and compare leading editing software such as Photoshop, Nightcafe, and other AI-powered programs, examining their features, capabilities, and suitability for different photography tasks.

  4. Pros and Cons of AI in Editing: Delve into the advantages and limitations of utilizing AI-driven editing tools like Photoshop AI and other AI software, and learn how to leverage their strengths while mitigating potential drawbacks.

  5. Practical Editing in Photoshop 2024: Master the art of editing and creating stunning photographs using the latest version of Photoshop, harnessing AI-powered features to elevate your images to new heights.

  6. Exploration of Alternative AI Programs: Expand your toolkit by exploring alternative AI programs, discovering their unique features and functionalities, and understanding how they complement traditional editing software.

  7. Copyright Considerations: Navigate the complexities of copyright laws and ethical considerations surrounding AI-generated content in photography, ensuring that you respect intellectual property rights and uphold ethical standards in your creative practice.

  8. Other AI Softwares: Explore a variety of other AI software tools tailored for specific photography tasks, uncovering hidden gems and innovative solutions to enhance your workflow and creative output.

Who Should Attend: This course is ideal for photographers, digital artists, graphic designers, and anyone passionate about exploring the cutting-edge intersection of AI and photography. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to stay ahead of the curve or an aspiring enthusiast eager to unleash your creative potential, this class offers valuable insights and hands-on experience to elevate your photography skills.

Join us on a journey into the new frontier of photography, where the power of AI unlocks endless possibilities for innovation and artistic expression. Reserve your spot today and embrace the future of photography!
